Monday, November 3, 2008

Too much going on!!!

The past two months have been very busy ones for Sierra! Between Cheerleading and Miracle League Sierra stays busy all weekend EVERY weekend!
Sierra turned 11 on September 21. She had her birthday at her favorite restaurant....a Japanese steakhouse with Habachi tables. She get so tickled with the cooks and their antics.
During October, however, we have been constantly on the go.
Sierra has had games every Saturday and Cheer practice or exhibitions every Sunday.
Nothing like your kids social life keeping you on your toes!
This past Saturday Sierra had her first cheerleading competition in the morning in Mobile, AL...and hour from home. She was excellent! It doesn't hurt that her buddy is a teenage boy who she is completely in love with! She also received a medal for her performance. Dad video taped the whole thing and as soon as mom figures out how to download from camera to computer we'll get them posted.

We then raced back to Pensacola for her last Miracle League game after which she had an awards ceremony. We called her our little overacheiver that day for getting 2 medals in one day!
Earlier in the month the county fair came to town! We spent 8 hours one afternoon trying to ride as many rides as we could. Sierra and her sister had a blast! (and I must admit mom and dad did too!)

We also went to the pumpkin patch, picked out a couple of pumpkins and carved them. As usual Sierra loved digging out the gross insides of the pumpkin with her sis and best friend Jacquie.

Halloween was fun too! Sierra and her sister were both Cowgirls, mom was a pirate and dad was the executioner(don't ask! that's what you get for waiting till the last minute on a costume) Dad took Sierra to a party on Friday night since she decided last year that she has outgrown trick or treating while mom took Sydney trick or treating. We all went to a party and cousin Ryleigh's house on Saturday night!

Whew....There must be more but I think this will do for now! We'll try to write more often!
The Lanes